'SHARE VIDEO - Planet Fitness Madison AL Shooting of DANA SHERROD FLETCHER!! We want to see cops\' body cams and car cams. Plus we wanna see the store cameras in the area. Be vigilant when you see it record it. Remember to tag \"check on ya folks\" - #coyf. The video was sent to me and I posted it in a FB group and members wanted to share the video. It wouldn’t let me share so I reuploaded it to my channel just so people could share it. I wanted people to see what happens from this persons\' view. There are different sides to this story and over the next few days it will all come out. This is a sad story. Your opinion is your own. Keep it respectful or comments will be removed. Subscribe
Tags: Planet fitness , plant fitness , coyf , DANA SHERROD FLETCHER , Madison AL , Cherelle Fletcher , madison county sheriff department , alabama cops kill man in front of wife and daughter , Planet Fitness Madison AL
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